Get Printer Online From Offline But Connected to Wifi Network

Get Printer Online From Offline But Connected to Wifi Network

The printers made by the brand have amazing durability and performance. This makes them one of the best options to go for. Even setting these up can be easy. Though, there are still some problems that you can get on these printers which can be quite annoying to deal with.

Recently, people have been reporting that their HP printer is offline but connected to wifi. If you are also getting this problem then here are some ways that will help you out in fixing it.

HP Printer Connected To WiFi But Offline

  • Set Printer Configurations to Online

The HP Printer is designed to allow users to connect it to their internet. After which they can send information and make prints for it wirelessly. However, there is also a feature that allows you to keep the device in offline mode. This is usually disabled by default, but you might have enabled it by accident. Alternatively, someone in your home might have changed these.

Whatever the case might be, disabling the setting again should allow you to connect your device back to the internet. Start by opening up your computer system. Now make sure that both your printer and system are connected to the same network. After this, you can proceed to open up the control panel. Browse through it to locate devices and select ‘printers and faxes’ from here.

This should open up the list of devices that you have connected to your system. You can then select your printer to access all the information about it. Scroll down the menu to find numerous features for your device. Disable the ‘Use Printer Offline’ tab and save the changes. You might have to reboot the printer after this to ensure that there are no problems with it. Finally, you should now be able to start using your printer with your internet connection.

  • Install Drivers Again

Sometimes the problem can be in the configuration files of your drivers. The HP printers have applications that are specifically designed for each of the models. People can install the wrong application in some cases, alternatively, there can be a problem with the installation process. The best method to get rid of this issue is by re-installing the drivers. You can uninstall the files for your current program from the control panel.

Once you are done with this, go to the folder where you installed the program and delete any files that are remaining. These need to be removed manually or you will keep getting the same error. Now proceed to open up the main website for HP printers. You can search for the exact model of your device here. This should list all the drivers for it along with any updates that have recently come out. Select the ones for your device and download them to your system. Once the installation is complete, restart your PC to fix the issue.

  • Check Internet Connection

Finally, if the problem persists then you should check the status of your internet connection. Many people have reported that the issue was from their network instead of the device. This is exactly why you should check if the speeds for your connection are fine. Try using your network on some other device and see if the internet is showing results.

You can then run a speed test on it to get the result of your connection. If you notice that the speeds are slow near your printer then there might be a problem with the signals. You can move the position for your router and place it closer to the printer. This should allow it to get better strength on the signals without any interruption. For people who cannot change the location of their router, they can install a separate device closer to their printer instead. This way the range of your Wi-Fi signals will spread throughout your home.

Steps To Fix HP Printer In Error State Problem

Take a bow on the below-given lines like all the desired remedies to fix the HP printer in an error state issue. You have multiple options in your hand. So, stick your eyes instead of wandering:

Method 1: Disable the Use Printer Offline option

  1. Open Control Panel on your computer. You can do it by opening the Run dialogue box (press Windows + R) and typing Control Panel and hitting Enter.
  2. The Control Panel opens, now double-click over Devices and Printers.
  3. Locate your HP printer, right-click over it and select Use Printer Online on the drop-down list. If the list consists of Use Printer in Offline option, make sure to deselect it.

These steps should help you to disable printer offline mode in Windows 10 or in any other Windows version. If it doesn’t work out to fix the HP printer in error state then move your printer to default mode.

Method 2: Set your printer as the default device

For Windows 10 PC

  1. Right-click on theStart
  2. SelectRunfrom the expanded list.
  3. TypeControl Pane land hitEnter.
  4. Once theControl Panelwindow opens, you need to locate your HP printer.
  5. Click over the HP printer and click theSet as default printer.

For Windows 8 PC

  1. TypeWindows + Rkeys together.
  2. Once theRundialogue box opens, typeControl Paneland hitEnter.
  3. InHardware and Soundclick onView Devices and Printers.
  4. Now locate your HP printer, right-click over it and selectSet as default printer.


  1. Now verify is the green tick appears on your HP printer or not. If your tick✔doesn’t appear then reopen the Devices and Printers section to check it.

Method 3: Verify Print Spooler services are Running and set at Automatic

Here is how to verify and reset the Print Spooler services.

  1. Simply open theRundialogue box as per the instructions in step 2.
  2. Now typeservices.mscand hitEnter.
  3. LocatePrint Spooleron the list and ensureStarted or Runningis displayed under theStatus
  4. Now double-click overPrint Spoolerto openPrint SpoolerProperties.
  5. Click the General
  6. Go to Startup Type, click the tab adjacent to it and select Automatic on the list.
  7. Now click Apply and click Ok.

Thereafter go to the Recovery tab and make the following adjustments.

  • SetRestart the ServiceagainstFirst Failure.
  • SetRestart the ServiceagainstSecond Failure.
  • Choose to Take no ActionagainstSubsequent Failure.
  • Set “Reset fail to count after” to 1 day.
  • Set ‘“Reset service after” to 1 minute.
  • Now clickApplyand clickOkto save the settings.

Method 4: Clear the Print Spooler files to fix the HP printer in error state

Print Spooler consists of the pending print jobs that failed to print and now causing an error state problem. Here are the instructions to fix the error.

  1. Click on This PC menu and open the Local Disk (C).
  2. Now click Windows,>System32,>Spool, and then choose Printers.
  3. You will see several files in the PRINTER section, simply delete them all.
  4. Now follow this path –Local Disk(C drive)>Windows>System32>Spool>Drivers>W32x86.
  5. Now you just have to delete all the files in theW32x86 folder.
  6. Visit the Print Spooler service again, right-click over it and select Restart.

Alternate Measures to Resolve Printer in an Error State on HP

Method 1. Reinstall the printer drivers

An outdated, faulty or incompatible printer driver may also cause Printer is in an error state windows 10 problem. You can eliminate this issue by reinstalling the drivers from the original website. Here are the steps that you may take.

Installing directly from your system

  1. Open the Devices and Printers
  2. Right-click on the HP printer icon, click Remove printer.
  3. Now close all windows.
  4. Again go to devices and printers.
  5. Right-click on the printer icon and click Add a printer.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to add your printer.

Alternatively, install drivers from the HP website

  1. Navigate to the HP printer website.
  2. ClickDownload drivers.
  3. Enter your HP printer model under “Identify my printer section” and click Submit.
  4. Select Download complete package.
  5. Follow the remaining instructions to download the latest drivers.
  6. During the instructions, you might have to disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.
  7. Additionally, you may also download the HP Smart app as it will assist you in installing the printer. What’s the best is Smart app is available for Windows 10, Windows 8, or any other Windows version including Mac.
  8. Upon successful installation of drivers, you will see a green mark below your HP printer which indicates that now your printer is online and ready to use.

Method 2: Ensure your printer connects correctly to the computer

If still, you askhow do I fix the HP printer in error state problem, then we would suggest you verify the wires once. Most likely the loose wires are causing the problem.

  1. If you have a wireless printer then ensure the network lights are glowing perfectly or the way they should be.
  2. You may also try to restart the router to fix the error state problem.
  3. In case you possess a wired printer, disconnect the cables and reconnect them again to eliminate the issue.
  4. Sometimes, restarting the printer also gets your printer back from the error state.


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